FINALLY! After 2 years we’ve had our Networking Event on 9 December in the Austrian Club.
It wasn’t easy. Melbourne lockdowns kept us from meeting for very long time. We were worried for some time that the restrictions won’t ease on time and our event would get postponed again. Than on the day the weather decided to play its tricks on us. With 16 degrees, imminent rain and strong wind we had to decide to move our outdoors party to the indoors. Luckily Austrian Club was ready and welcomed us in a truly Christmas spirit.
I think I can say that we’ve had a great time. Good bunch of people from all over the Business Park and all different industries has met to catch up and make new contacts. I now know where the best panel beater is, where to get my customised office chair or new kitchen and where to get a tasty lunch. My tax return is sorted, got a great tip Christmas present that is locally produced and reconnected with a personal trainer.
We have a great community in Heidelberg West Business Park. Business were rushing in to donate fantastic raffle prizes to make this event special. I am sure that the winners will remember the night for some time.
Our president Chris opened the evening with a warm welcome than Tom Melican reassured us that Banyule council is here to support us. Our newest supporter Bendigo Bank – Heidelberg and East Ivanhoe Branch was represented by James and Carly. Bendigo Bank is here to give back to the community and we are excited to have them on board with us. Allison Champion was a well of wisdom on how to best use the opportunity and find new contacts. Thank you Allison for giving us great tips on networking and helping us to truly connect.
Thank you to sponsors Banyule Council, Bendigo Bank, Chocilo, Sharpen IT, NubeVest and CCM MPS.
Thank you to Austrian Club for being flexible on our outdoor/ indoor arrangement and saved us when Melbourne weather decided to show us the true European Christmas. The food was delicious and I appreciated the drinks were plenty.
Thank you to Jessica and Malcolm for helping with creating a relaxed atmosphere with your music.