
Add or Create Your Listing

Are you located within the Heidelberg West Business Park?
List your business here so people can find you!

Are you already in the directory?

Search for your business name on our home page. If you are already listed, go to your page and click on the ‘Claim listing’ link (see image below). Follow the prompts to take ownership of that listing, create your account, add your images, and fill out the description and contact details. Your listing will then update to ‘Pending’ and will be reviewed and approved by HWBPA.


Not listed in the directory?

If you have recently moved in to the Business Park, you will need to add a new listing. Simply click on Business below, complete your information, and create your listing.

Your listing details


    Become a member of the Association!

    The Heidelberg West Business Park Association is here to support you – business owners, managers, landlords, that are located within the Heidelberg West Business Park. Will you consider becoming a member? Membership is FREE and has lots of benefits – access bulk buying discounts, keep up to date with grants and business support opportunities, hear of our new initiatives and projects, come to networking events, get updated on Banyule Council news that affects you, and get connected to our social media accounts. Find out more about membership on our Association website – www.hwbpa.org.au.